Monday, September 29, 2008

Tired lor...

Ahhhh!!!...I'm tired!!!!...
Jz see the time i'm blogging...
All thnx 4 2day....

Firstly, 630 in the morning....
Prepare 4 Hari Raya stuff...
Buy kitchen stuff like Chicken, beef, seafood, spices, etc.....
Wah...My granny like wt lah...
She expect me to carry everyting...
So heavy lor...
Wakaka..Jz can't stand old folks in the market..
They r so cute except my granny...
She very Kan Chiong...
Haha..I'm serious...

After tat, went home straight.....
Without any hesitation....I SLEEP!!!..
Guess wt time i woke up???
430 in the afternoon...
HUH??...Very late rite??...
I tot it was like second time checked...430!!!!...
Haha..first time woke up reali late...

At 5...received a call frm Farrah...
She ask me to accompany her to tis soccer match between Singapore American School n Sporting Westlake FC...
Its been a long time i've nv been to any matches...
So, decided to accompany her lor...
On our way there, we break fast in the bus...
We had orange juice n Cheezles...
The place was held at Singapore American School which is at Woodland...
Fun Fun Fun...
A bit bored coz the team we r supporting lose...3-0..
Nvm..Jia You Sporting Westlake!!!
I took some pics there...

I tot i'll be reaching home at 1030 to clean up the room..
Bt sadly, i reached at 11..
My granny as per usual...NAG!!...
Ok cn...
While she nag, i straight away took the broom, magic cleaner, etc...
There goes me working hard on smthg...
I start at 1115...
N i end at 330...
Jz to clean tat room..
Imagine tat!!..
Here r some re-cap of my room...

Ok..i wanna get some rest here...
Feel the heat bebeh!!...

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