Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm jz waiting 4 the rite time...
I'm taking it slow nw..
Jz dun wan to make it happen nw coz i still wanna hv a life..
So be it.....

I'm at Teban nw ladies n gentlemen..
Hmm..woke up, clean the house..
Bt the weirdest ting i did was...
Mopping the whole house 4 3 times..
Sick rite??..
Bt to be honest, NW MY HOUSE IS CLEAN..
So, i won't be worrying abt the mess that my dad has made...
2day its nuting much coz.....
Sick n tired of going out...
For 2day only...

Bt ystday was FUN actuali...
First ting in my mind was 'Impromptu speech test'...
I'm so nervous till i did some stupid stuff...
Haha..wanna hear??..
The day b4 i actuali set my alarm to wake up at 930...
Bt then i 4got tat i did a reminder at 8...
So, actuali i was waken by the reminder alarm rather than the original alarm..
So, at 8 i woke up, i tot it was 930...
I jz as usual take a shower all tat...
N till at tis part wen i was combing my hair...
I realised smthg at the clock in my living room..
I can't believe it tat it was only 905...
So, i went to my room n i check my hp..
It was 906...
I started to laugh...
Straight away i SMACK Tigger's butt!!!..
Haha..pity him...
I'll always show my tantrum to him..
U noe y??..
He hv no reaction wen i show tat to him...
Wt he did is jz SLEEP!!!..
Stupid Cat!!..
Ystday, i jz bought him a proper name tag n a bell...
"Tigger, mommy brought u present again!!...No more Hellokitty again ok??..I LOVE YOU, MOMOK!!!...No one cn seperate us except the lah, kidding je!!..It's been 5 years we've been 2gether n it is going to be very HARD if we hv to be seperated"...
Oh ya..
To everybody's info...
Tigger is the most precious tings tat i hv....
He's always there wenever i'm down, angry, happy...
He's the only one who noe wt i'm doing wen i'm alone in the room..
Haha..dun tink diff..

Ok, come back to Public Speaking...
Class had started n i wasn't the first one...
So lucky!!..
Bt wen it was my turn....
My topic....
'Why parents are always right??'...
Isn't tis easy??..
I all out abt my parents, hw i behave towards them, appreciate them...
N the ting tat i like most is my conclusion...

Me(during speech): I would like to conclude that DO RESPECT YOUR PARENTS ALWAYS...

Jz short n sweet...
My timing was nt gd actuali..
2mins 12sec..
Overshot by 2 sec..

After skool, fetch my bro frm tamp home n head to Vivo...
Meet my one n only RVG ppl!!..
It's so weird wen my bro is ard bt too bad he's jz under my responisibility..
Sori GERLS...
Although they r jz 12 years old, i dun feel tat they r tat young...THEY R OLD!!..
Fun being wif u all!!!..
Siti was nt inside the pic!!..Haha..
Siti, Syazwani, KinkyLisah, Huda..

They r LOVED!!!...

Huda says nxt outing was T3 on 5th on Dec, if i'm nt wrong..
Ok cn!!...

Then, daddy ask to go to his workplace...
N i reali HATE tis part!!..
Stupid INDIANS!!...
Haiz..I was cursing all the way to my dad's workplace...
Then daddy was worried after tat...
So, he brought me n Zaki to his office..
Wah!!..nt bad lah!!..
He's like BOSS lor..
Tats y he wear so smart nwdays...
Hmm..Anyway, my dad was directed to become the ????? Executive...
After tat, we went to hv dinner to the nearby restaurant..
We reali had a BIG FEAST ystday nite...
Ok lah..
I wn to find a way to order food...

*Finally, he has made some ways so that i'm comfortable with him..I love it!!..He made me laugh everday without miss and i started to miss him each n every time..Dun let me fall in love again..

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