Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I jz missed the moment..


I'm jz missing smthg..

I jz missed the guy who always makes me smile all day..
Jz make me feel so confident, comfortable n been loved..
I jz enjoy myself last time..
I felt so happy happy happy..
The last time i enjoyed myself was wen i celebrate 2009 together..
I still remember those words on 1 January 2009 @ 12am..
"You're the last person whom i saw n the first to see"..
I jz can't 4get those time looking at the fireworks together..
After sometime, there r some prob btwn us..
The day comes when the confession breaks out...
I try nt to cry bt it seems tat the moments was too sad for me..
Although we r nt together, to be honest, he was the one i'm searching 4...
He was HAFIZ...
I do like him bt yet i still dun love him..

Bt it seems life getting more SUCKED..
I jz felt tat i'm getting more SHITS nw..
Maybe it's reali my fault to LOVE 'A' so much..
Till it's so hard 4 me to leave him..
It's making no sense 4 him tho..
2day was actuali 'the' day..
Bt it's makes me so sad till the phrase comes out..
"We r nuting"..
Yes, we r nuting..
I noe it's my fault...
I noe i'm being SO SHIOK SENDIRI..
Bt heh...
I dun feel gd..

I'm dead publishing tis post..
Wt i noe..
I'm gonna cry again n felt guilty..
Tats all..


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