Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm done wt i'm suppose to do...

Holiday so far so gd...

Although hv a hard time during tuition, i manage to handle it..
Jz hoping tat my students will pass their CA1..

Rite nw, i'm jz so happy tat i hv done wt i supposed to do..
N i'm glad it turns out well..
Bt rite...
There are alot of tings tat i haven't yet settle...
Some things cn be shared n some things are not to be shared..

Well, i'm jz curious tat although i'm nt in the wrong BT STILL get an insult..
"What's wrong wif tat gerl lah??!!!"..
"I did not do anyting wrong n yet she wanted to hit me wif smthg"
"I dun tink i'm tat stupid bt u cn consider urself as LOSER!!"
"Hmm...If she gt a problem wif me, settle wif me FACE TO FACE, there's no need to talk behind my back rite?..Dun be such a COWARD, LOSER!!.."
Ppl like tis do hv brains BT STILL did nt use it..
U insult me, i dun insult u...
U hate me, i dun hate u...
U irritate me, i dun irritate u..
U threatened me, i dun threatened u back...
Do remember tat KARMA is coming to ur show soon!!..


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