Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Some ppl need to grow up......

Let me tell u a story...

There's tis rabbit n a tortoise...
Like as usual they will always agree to race among themselves..

During the race, tortoise try her best to reach the finish line but the rabbit is too fast to be chase..
Rabbit is leading and going to reach to the finish line bt tortoise is still far way back..
So the rabbit decided to just finish the race so he'll get in the first place..
Rabbit was exhausted after finishing the race so he search a place to rest..
Tortoise was exhausted too to keep on going to the finish line bt she will never give up although she knew tat rabbit has won the race..
Rabbit has found a place to rest under a big tree bt tortoise is still struggling to finish up the race..

While rabbit was resting, he doesn't know tat a lion was approaching him...
During tat time, tortoise was just a metre away from the finish line and she was shocked when saw the lion was approaching the rabbit..
So, the tortoise shout out "RABBIT!!..WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!!"..
The rabbit turns his head n saw the fierce lion
He immediately ran as quickly as possible to escape from the lion..
Rabbit was gone..
Left the tortoise and the lion..
Lion is so mad with the tortoise so he try to kill her..

The tortoise was very scared..
She doesn't what to do..
Nt long after tat the tortoise had an idea...
She hide in her shell..
The lion tried to break the shell but the lion is SOOOO STUPID...
Not long after tat the lion give up..
So he went away from the tortoise..

The next day....
Tortoise woke up from her shell and found out that there was no lion..
To her relieved...
But she wonder where did the rabbit go..
Suddenly, out of nowhere, he came back..
First thing i heard from him...
"Do you want to race again?"..

Ok..i noe tis story is abit complicated..
Bt it does have some meaning abt it..

Btw smthg has WORKED!!..
Wanna see??..

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