Thursday, December 4, 2008

I hope everyting is SETTLED...

Hey everyone!!!
Been bz wif some things over the last few days...
Reali apologised abt that..

Things tat i faced was:

1. Projects
2. Projects
3. Projects
4. Projects
5. Realtionship

Maybe, i should not stress abt the school's projects...
I noe its lame saying abt projects in blog..
Tis is the prob...
At first i was confused by some stuff, nw, i tink its getting better..
I've decided to rite guy...
It's going to be HAFIZ...
He's the one tat i'm looking for all this while...
He's jz so SWEET...
I tink i'm quite lazy to write longer..
Hehe..sori ah..
I bet u after my term test..
I'll try to blog everyday ok??...

Nw, enjoy the pics i've taken on tuesday...
I met Dayah n Awul..
Jz to kill y time u see...

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