Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy n Sad!!....

Halooo halooo!!!...
Lisah's back again bebeh!!!....
U noe y??...
Wt a relieved!!!...
All THNX to my dear HAFIZ!!!...

He's been there all the while wen i'm studying..
He always remind me to study..
He even force me to study..
He accompany me studying till 2 in the morning..
He dun wn to make me stressed up by playing bowling at midnite..
He always wish me luck for all my test without fail..
He care 4 me all tis while...
I'll miss him!!..

Hafiz playing my lappy while accompanying me studying..

Guess wt??...
Wt he hv done was a WORTH for me..
I've nv been treated like tis b4...
He's jz so SWEET, CARING, LOVING n last bt nt least ROMANTIC...
I'll miss all of this for 3 days..
Nw, he's in JB waiting 4 his train...
OMG!!...I'm jz going to miss him badly lah...
He told me to be strong n nt too miss him badly coz he will feel bad abt it...
N YUP!!..
I'm trying nw....

While on the road wif Nasha(Super4)..Tis is Orchard..
The lights r jz splendid...Jz gonna miss all tis lor..

Let me talk abt TERM TEST!!....
Overall Comments: I COULD MAKE IT THRU!!!
Per Subject Comments:
PE Drive-Wow!!..Tats COOL!!..I cn do it!!..
Net Fund-Ahhh....Ok lah..nt bad lah..most of the qn i 4get...haha..
CKTCS-WT??!!..So easy ah??..studying last min is a WORTHWHILE!!..
My comments are jz lame lor..
Hmm...All thnx to my frens too for teaching me!!...
Thank You Guys!!!...

Oh ya...
4 the last few days ALOT of tings happening lah seh...
One of it...
My fav aunt Cik Ani hv to undergo an operation on her stomach...
The operation is on last Monday...
I went to KKH wif Hafiz...
Nw, some of my family members noe him!!..
I hope my aunt will recover soon..
N i jz get to noe tat 2day she had gone home..

2nd ting was...
My leg hv a BIG SCRATCH!!..

Thnx to my cat(Kecik)...

3rd ting was...
Ystday nite, i played Bowling wif Hafiz n his bunk frens(Iszhar,Khai n Malik) athough i should be at home studying 4 my CKTCS...
We played at Hougang..

Nt bad the place bt too old lor..
While playing, Alvin saw me...
Then followed by Bronson, Nicholas n Arian....
Get to noe..They also haven't even started studying CKTCS...
Haha..Wt a coincidence!!
I lose to Hafiz for 2 times!!..
Reached home at 3..
So damn late lor...

4th ting was...
A BIG apology to VICKY!!!...
I'm reali sori Vicky!!!...
I dunno tat tis could happen...
I'm so so so so SORI!!!!.....

5th ting was....
Lina Bebeh has jz rebond her hair...
N nw i'm still curious hw she looks like...
Gonna start laughing lah....

6th ting was...
I'm MISSING Hafiz SO MUCH!!!...
2day, i jz bought him a mini cake wich i tink is nt tat cheap...
I jz wanna make him happy b4 he leaves S'pore...

Ok lah...
Tats all i hv to say...

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