I'm reali reali reali sori 4 nt blogging...
I've been very very very busy all tis while...
Skooling,projects, assignments, quizzes, test, speech, hanging out wif frens, taking care of my Tigger, visiting ppl in hospital, going back to my Teban house n last bt nt least tinking of HIM...
I'm refering to Super4 guy..
His name is Hafiz...
Jz one word to describe him...
N he's NICE too..
Very very caring...
Bt, i jz felt smthg is NT rite...
I dunno y actuali...
I tink i'm jz scared of Army Boys...
Bt the last 2 days, it was my first time hanging out if him at my nearby blk...
First time i looked him..
He's so HOT!!..n his bike too...
So we talk till late nite..haha..poor ting..
Then ystday...
Skool was as USUAL..
Very very very FUN n LIVELY...
Vicky make me jealous abt his new HP!!..
So, me n Babe did some camwhore!!..
Actuali i'm the CAM bt she's the WHORE!!..
Oh sori AUNTY hor!!..
Seriously, my BABE was the BESTEST FREN i've ever had!!..
So OrgComm, i ask her to took the pic of him..
Then later at nite, meet Hafiz..
It was a last min meeting..
We r craving 4 Long John Silver...tats y..
After we ate LJS at Causeway Pt, i suggested to go Vivo...
Best!!..WE do play alot of video games..
After playing, we r heading aimlessly to nowhere..
Like nuting ah in S'pore...
So, i came out an idea to go to tis specific place...

Entrance to the place...
Its better to go wif a transport..

Find tis sign n tats the place...
I shall nt state the place coz i wan tis place to maintain its popularity...
The place was very very ROMANTIC...
Oh gosh!!..
I felt like i own tat place coz the place is so NICE n BIG bt NO ONE!!...
So, both of us were so HAPPY till we walked reali quite a distance..
I reali had FUN ystday nite!!..
Hoping tis guy will be FINE!!..
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