Hey guys...
I noe i've been quite lazy nwdays to blog...
Bt sad to say, i've been CONFUSED, TIRED, SICK n LAZY...
I can't desrcibe my situation nw...
Bt frm my point of view, i jz can't hold it any longer..
I'll jz hv to STOP everyting...
Wt keeps me going on is.....
HIM n HIM....
Its jz undesrcibeable...
I've been tinking abt tis most of the time n nw i get...
It's a ridiculous ting to hv 2 at one time...
Tis is nt greedy ok...
It happen to be ACCIDENTLY...
Ppl may tink tat i'm LUCKY...
Its seems lucky bt the one who's lucky has been thru alot of obstacles...
Yup..Tis was it...
I hv to go thru a BIG obstacle nw...
It's a VERY COMPLICATED..i noe...
I'm takinng it as smooth as possible tho...
Guys n gals....
Jz wanna say tat i may be nt reply some of ur messages...
I jz simply wanna be where am i suppose to be nw...
Sori guys....
I can't tink at the moment....
Saying Goodbye Is The Hardest Word To Say In My Life..
Leaving You Is The Most Hurtful Ting I Can Tink Of..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sick but Happy!!...
I'm still sick bebeh...
I reali can't do anyting abt it...
All depends on the panadol...
4getting to buy Cough Syrup is the most stupidest of me tat i cn tink of nw...
So, yup...
I'm getting SICKER nw!!...
I had alot of fun jz nw as i went out...
N it's like DUH wif my dear Hafiz...
We started to call each other dear nw...
Which i tink it was reali sweet...
B4 i met him, i went to skool to pass some Orgcomm stuff to Vicky...
Ard 3, Hafiz came to skool...
He went to my skool for the 2nd time nw....
Sharon had saw him.....
Haha..so comment??..
At ard 330, we left skool n headed to Orchard...
Wow!!...It's been a long time i've nv been there...
First target!!....
Hafiz reccommend it to me....
We bought the Curry Chicken n we bought Bubble Tea too...
N we sat near to his bike which i tink it's ROMANTIC...
Then, after all that nice food, drinks n chats....
We head to Shaw Bro.(Lido)...
I wanted to watch 'Madagascar 2'...
Jz guess wt he said??...
Hafiz: Anyting 4 u...Me: R u sure??..Hafiz: Yes, i'm sure..i jz wanna make u happy while being wif me...Me: Heee!!!...
So sweet rite!!...
But i noe tat he doesn't like animated movies n he reali sacrifice himself to watch it wif me..
I reali like tis kind of guy lah...
N the other sweet ting was.....
He treat me as it was his pay day....
Oh god...
Talking abt Madagascar 2....
It was the most funniest animated movie 4 tis month!!...
I like it!!...
Very very very FUNNY!!!!....
I kept LAUGHING since the start of the movie...
Madagascar are LOVED!!!!
After all tat laughter, we walked ard Orchard...
The lights for Christmas is so BRIGHT n COLOURFUL...
So me n Hafiz spend alot of time walking while talking...
I felt so HAPPY wif him nwdays...
Then, smthg happen...
He had his headache...
I'm worried..
So, we decided to go home...
He sent me home first n he went home after tat...
Upon reaching home....
I start to feel sick again...
Feel like skipping skool tmrw..
No no!!!...
Ok lah..
I'm still sick bebeh...
I reali can't do anyting abt it...
All depends on the panadol...
4getting to buy Cough Syrup is the most stupidest of me tat i cn tink of nw...
So, yup...
I'm getting SICKER nw!!...
I had alot of fun jz nw as i went out...
N it's like DUH wif my dear Hafiz...
We started to call each other dear nw...
Which i tink it was reali sweet...
B4 i met him, i went to skool to pass some Orgcomm stuff to Vicky...
Ard 3, Hafiz came to skool...
He went to my skool for the 2nd time nw....
Sharon had saw him.....
Haha..so comment??..
At ard 330, we left skool n headed to Orchard...
Wow!!...It's been a long time i've nv been there...
First target!!....
Hafiz reccommend it to me....
We bought the Curry Chicken n we bought Bubble Tea too...
N we sat near to his bike which i tink it's ROMANTIC...
Then, after all that nice food, drinks n chats....
We head to Shaw Bro.(Lido)...
I wanted to watch 'Madagascar 2'...
Jz guess wt he said??...
Hafiz: Anyting 4 u...Me: R u sure??..Hafiz: Yes, i'm sure..i jz wanna make u happy while being wif me...Me: Heee!!!...
So sweet rite!!...
But i noe tat he doesn't like animated movies n he reali sacrifice himself to watch it wif me..
I reali like tis kind of guy lah...
N the other sweet ting was.....
He treat me as it was his pay day....
Oh god...
Talking abt Madagascar 2....
It was the most funniest animated movie 4 tis month!!...
I like it!!...
Very very very FUNNY!!!!....
I kept LAUGHING since the start of the movie...
Madagascar are LOVED!!!!
After all tat laughter, we walked ard Orchard...
The lights for Christmas is so BRIGHT n COLOURFUL...
So me n Hafiz spend alot of time walking while talking...
I felt so HAPPY wif him nwdays...
Then, smthg happen...
He had his headache...
I'm worried..
So, we decided to go home...
He sent me home first n he went home after tat...
Upon reaching home....
I start to feel sick again...
Feel like skipping skool tmrw..
No no!!!...
Ok lah..
Monday, November 24, 2008
Joke of the DAY!!!...
Enjoy the Jokes!!...
No offence on every single jokes ok??...
Vicky no OFFENCE!!!
1. Tom had $5, Jim had $5 & John had $5...No offence on every single jokes ok??...
Vicky no OFFENCE!!!
They wanted to go to to somewhere by taking a train...
So, where they will head to??..
(clue:in a green line)
2.There is this animal which is VERY smelly were put in a room...
So, people wif various kinds of race are to test wif tis animal...
The first person is a EURASIAN guy went into the room..
He says..
"Eeew, tats the most smelliest ting i ever smelt, bullshit"..
So, he went out of the room..
The second person is a CHINESE guy went into the room..
He says..
"Aiyo....so smelly ah!!..sibei smelly sia!!"
So, he went out of the room..
The third person is a MALAY guy wemt into the room...
He says..
"Sial lah!!...wt smell seh??..SO BUSUSK SIA!!"..
So, he went out of the room..
The last person is an INDIAN guy went into the room...
He nv say anyting...
Guess wt happen???...
It says...
"Wah!!..Indians are so smelly than me!!..Hahaha..."
3.There is this two animals..
A spider and a caterpillar...
They are bestfrens...
The spider is a very helpful fren as he always finds food 4 both of them..
So, one day, the caterpillar felt that she should help spider...
She told spider tat she going to hunt for food while spider stay at home...
The spider agree wif it...
The caterpillar happily went out of the house...
An hour later...
The caterpillar still had not came back yet...
2 hours later...
She still haven't come back yet...
But, the spider was reali hungry at tat moment...
So, the spider jz tot of going to look 4 caterpillar...
When he out of the house.....
Guess wt???...
Get it??..
I reali laughed alot 2day!!!...
Tis jokes were given by Stephanie!!..
Bt guess wt??...
After all tat laughter....
I'm sick nw guys!!...
Fever, headache n the worst ting is my COUGH!!..
I've been coughing since the last 2 days lor...
My throat so ITCHY!!!..
I dun hv medicine some more..
Hafiz also sick n he took MC for 2day n tmrw...
We r so FATED!!..
Maybe, tmrw then we meet lor...
Jz nw paiseh in ORGCOMM for the second time!!..
Sori ah Vicky...
Nw i'm jz staying at home n rest well..
Tmrw basically will be going out wif Hafiz...
So, jz waiting 4 tis wednesday...
My Japanese Presentation!!...
Ok lah..
I reali laughed alot 2day!!!...
Tis jokes were given by Stephanie!!..
Bt guess wt??...
After all tat laughter....
I'm sick nw guys!!...
Fever, headache n the worst ting is my COUGH!!..
I've been coughing since the last 2 days lor...
My throat so ITCHY!!!..
I dun hv medicine some more..
Hafiz also sick n he took MC for 2day n tmrw...
We r so FATED!!..
Maybe, tmrw then we meet lor...
Jz nw paiseh in ORGCOMM for the second time!!..
Sori ah Vicky...
Nw i'm jz staying at home n rest well..
Tmrw basically will be going out wif Hafiz...
So, jz waiting 4 tis wednesday...
My Japanese Presentation!!...
Ok lah..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I'm jz waiting 4 the rite time...I'm taking it slow nw..Jz dun wan to make it happen nw coz i still wanna hv a life..So be it.....
I'm at Teban nw ladies n gentlemen..
Hmm..woke up, clean the house..
Bt the weirdest ting i did was...
Mopping the whole house 4 3 times..
Sick rite??..
Bt to be honest, NW MY HOUSE IS CLEAN..
So, i won't be worrying abt the mess that my dad has made...
2day its nuting much coz.....
Sick n tired of going out...
For 2day only...
Bt ystday was FUN actuali...
First ting in my mind was 'Impromptu speech test'...
I'm so nervous till i did some stupid stuff...
Haha..wanna hear??..
The day b4 i actuali set my alarm to wake up at 930...
Bt then i 4got tat i did a reminder at 8...
So, actuali i was waken by the reminder alarm rather than the original alarm..
So, at 8 i woke up, i tot it was 930...
I jz as usual take a shower all tat...
N till at tis part wen i was combing my hair...
I realised smthg at the clock in my living room..
I can't believe it tat it was only 905...
So, i went to my room n i check my hp..
It was 906...
I started to laugh...
Straight away i SMACK Tigger's butt!!!..
Haha..pity him...
I'll always show my tantrum to him..
U noe y??..
He hv no reaction wen i show tat to him...
Wt he did is jz SLEEP!!!..
Stupid Cat!!..
Ystday, i jz bought him a proper name tag n a bell...
"Tigger, mommy brought u present again!!...No more Hellokitty again ok??..I LOVE YOU, MOMOK!!!...No one cn seperate us except the SPCA..haha..no lah, kidding je!!..It's been 5 years we've been 2gether n it is going to be very HARD if we hv to be seperated"...
Oh ya..
To everybody's info...
Tigger is the most precious tings tat i hv....
He's always there wenever i'm down, angry, happy...
He's the only one who noe wt i'm doing wen i'm alone in the room..
Haha..dun tink diff..
Ok, come back to Public Speaking...
Class had started n i wasn't the first one...
So lucky!!..
Bt wen it was my turn....
My topic....
'Why parents are always right??'...
Isn't tis easy??..
I all out abt my parents, hw i behave towards them, appreciate them...
N the ting tat i like most is my conclusion...
Me(during speech): I would like to conclude that DO RESPECT YOUR PARENTS ALWAYS...
Jz short n sweet...
My timing was nt gd actuali..
2mins 12sec..
Overshot by 2 sec..
After skool, fetch my bro frm tamp home n head to Vivo...
Meet my one n only RVG ppl!!..
It's so weird wen my bro is ard bt too bad he's jz under my responisibility..
Sori GERLS...
Although they r jz 12 years old, i dun feel tat they r tat young...THEY R OLD!!..
Fun being wif u all!!!..

Siti, Syazwani, KinkyLisah, Huda..
They r LOVED!!!...
Ok cn!!...
Then, daddy ask to go to his workplace...
N i reali HATE tis part!!..
Stupid INDIANS!!...
Haiz..I was cursing all the way to my dad's workplace...
Then daddy was worried after tat...
So, he brought me n Zaki to his office..
Wah!!..nt bad lah!!..
He's like BOSS lor..
Tats y he wear so smart nwdays...
Hmm..Anyway, my dad was directed to become the ????? Executive...
After tat, we went to hv dinner to the nearby restaurant..
We reali had a BIG FEAST ystday nite...
Ok lah..
I wn to find a way to order food...
*Finally, he has made some ways so that i'm comfortable with him..I love it!!..He made me laugh everday without miss and i started to miss him each n every time..Dun let me fall in love again..
Hmm..woke up, clean the house..
Bt the weirdest ting i did was...
Mopping the whole house 4 3 times..
Sick rite??..
Bt to be honest, NW MY HOUSE IS CLEAN..
So, i won't be worrying abt the mess that my dad has made...
2day its nuting much coz.....
Sick n tired of going out...
For 2day only...
Bt ystday was FUN actuali...
First ting in my mind was 'Impromptu speech test'...
I'm so nervous till i did some stupid stuff...
Haha..wanna hear??..
The day b4 i actuali set my alarm to wake up at 930...
Bt then i 4got tat i did a reminder at 8...
So, actuali i was waken by the reminder alarm rather than the original alarm..
So, at 8 i woke up, i tot it was 930...
I jz as usual take a shower all tat...
N till at tis part wen i was combing my hair...
I realised smthg at the clock in my living room..
I can't believe it tat it was only 905...
So, i went to my room n i check my hp..
It was 906...
I started to laugh...
Straight away i SMACK Tigger's butt!!!..
Haha..pity him...
I'll always show my tantrum to him..
U noe y??..
He hv no reaction wen i show tat to him...
Wt he did is jz SLEEP!!!..
Stupid Cat!!..
Ystday, i jz bought him a proper name tag n a bell...
"Tigger, mommy brought u present again!!...No more Hellokitty again ok??..I LOVE YOU, MOMOK!!!...No one cn seperate us except the SPCA..haha..no lah, kidding je!!..It's been 5 years we've been 2gether n it is going to be very HARD if we hv to be seperated"...
Oh ya..
To everybody's info...
Tigger is the most precious tings tat i hv....
He's always there wenever i'm down, angry, happy...
He's the only one who noe wt i'm doing wen i'm alone in the room..
Haha..dun tink diff..
Ok, come back to Public Speaking...
Class had started n i wasn't the first one...
So lucky!!..
Bt wen it was my turn....
My topic....
'Why parents are always right??'...
Isn't tis easy??..
I all out abt my parents, hw i behave towards them, appreciate them...
N the ting tat i like most is my conclusion...
Me(during speech): I would like to conclude that DO RESPECT YOUR PARENTS ALWAYS...
Jz short n sweet...
My timing was nt gd actuali..
2mins 12sec..
Overshot by 2 sec..
After skool, fetch my bro frm tamp home n head to Vivo...
Meet my one n only RVG ppl!!..
It's so weird wen my bro is ard bt too bad he's jz under my responisibility..
Sori GERLS...
Although they r jz 12 years old, i dun feel tat they r tat young...THEY R OLD!!..
Fun being wif u all!!!..

Siti, Syazwani, KinkyLisah, Huda..
They r LOVED!!!...
Huda says nxt outing was T3 on 5th on Dec, if i'm nt wrong..
Ok cn!!...
Then, daddy ask to go to his workplace...
N i reali HATE tis part!!..
Stupid INDIANS!!...
Haiz..I was cursing all the way to my dad's workplace...
Then daddy was worried after tat...
So, he brought me n Zaki to his office..
Wah!!..nt bad lah!!..
He's like BOSS lor..
Tats y he wear so smart nwdays...
Hmm..Anyway, my dad was directed to become the ????? Executive...
After tat, we went to hv dinner to the nearby restaurant..
We reali had a BIG FEAST ystday nite...
Ok lah..
I wn to find a way to order food...
*Finally, he has made some ways so that i'm comfortable with him..I love it!!..He made me laugh everday without miss and i started to miss him each n every time..Dun let me fall in love again..
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wah seh!!...Super Duper Tired Again...
Cn help me by giving me extra hands, legs, eyes, etc??....
I'm damn tired lor..
Bt wen i tink back again...
The tiredness reali give me an experience, joy n happiness...
I felt tat i've been used up 100%..
Like wt only used up 100%..as if like i'm a fuel..
I'll jz tell wt's happening 2day...
The day starts wif a very very very tired morning...
I'm so SLEEPY!!!
Cannot tahan some more during MTNProj...
So, after tat me n BABE went to the void deck nearby skool...
We went there wif a reason...
We had a Gerl-to-gerl talk and sad, happy, angry moments 2gether...
Wah...We reali seriously talking lor...
She's reali my TRUE FREN seh..
I jz wish tat we could make tis frenship as long as we could...
After tat, went back to skool..
Supposedly, we need to go PEDrive lec bt as usual..
Then u noe where we slept??...
Short Circuit Canteen..
Haha..like no other place to sleep seh...
During CKTCS lab, i'm SUPER restless..
Luckily the teacher let us go early...
GD gd gd...
Nw, i jz finish chatting wif tis particular guy..
Iskandar is his name bt he was known as Ska BT unintentionally i called him "Katak Gelap"(Dark Frog)...
There's a reason behind all tis..
So, the ting is....
He actuali joined a competition in STOMP...
Then nw i'm promoting him lah...
Cn help me by giving me extra hands, legs, eyes, etc??....
I'm damn tired lor..
Bt wen i tink back again...
The tiredness reali give me an experience, joy n happiness...
I felt tat i've been used up 100%..
Like wt only used up 100%..as if like i'm a fuel..
I'll jz tell wt's happening 2day...
The day starts wif a very very very tired morning...
I'm so SLEEPY!!!
Cannot tahan some more during MTNProj...
So, after tat me n BABE went to the void deck nearby skool...
We went there wif a reason...
We had a Gerl-to-gerl talk and sad, happy, angry moments 2gether...
Wah...We reali seriously talking lor...
She's reali my TRUE FREN seh..
I jz wish tat we could make tis frenship as long as we could...
After tat, went back to skool..
Supposedly, we need to go PEDrive lec bt as usual..
Then u noe where we slept??...
Short Circuit Canteen..
Haha..like no other place to sleep seh...
During CKTCS lab, i'm SUPER restless..
Luckily the teacher let us go early...
GD gd gd...
Nw, i jz finish chatting wif tis particular guy..
Iskandar is his name bt he was known as Ska BT unintentionally i called him "Katak Gelap"(Dark Frog)...
There's a reason behind all tis..
So, the ting is....
He actuali joined a competition in STOMP...
Then nw i'm promoting him lah...
Vote 4 Wherever You Will Go-Chris n Ska..
U need to register first b4 voting actuali..
So, do plz VOTE 4 my fren here...
Oh ya...
B4 i 4get....
I would like to congratulate......
-Nur Iman(my bro)
*Congratulations 4 ur PSLE RESULTS!!..I'm reali PROUD of u all!!!..Esp to my bro n Shasha...U guys reali make my day 2day by giving my such a touching moments..Hee!!!
Vote 4 Wherever You Will Go-Chris n Ska..
U need to register first b4 voting actuali..
So, do plz VOTE 4 my fren here...
Oh ya...
B4 i 4get....
I would like to congratulate......
-Nur Iman(my bro)
*Congratulations 4 ur PSLE RESULTS!!..I'm reali PROUD of u all!!!..Esp to my bro n Shasha...U guys reali make my day 2day by giving my such a touching moments..Hee!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I'm reali reali reali sori 4 nt blogging...
I've been very very very busy all tis while...
Skooling,projects, assignments, quizzes, test, speech, hanging out wif frens, taking care of my Tigger, visiting ppl in hospital, going back to my Teban house n last bt nt least tinking of HIM...
I'm refering to Super4 guy..
His name is Hafiz...
Jz one word to describe him...
N he's NICE too..
Very very caring...
Bt, i jz felt smthg is NT rite...
I dunno y actuali...
I tink i'm jz scared of Army Boys...
Bt the last 2 days, it was my first time hanging out if him at my nearby blk...
First time i looked him..
He's so HOT!!..n his bike too...
So we talk till late nite..haha..poor ting..
Then ystday...
Skool was as USUAL..
Very very very FUN n LIVELY...
Vicky make me jealous abt his new HP!!..
So, me n Babe did some camwhore!!..
Actuali i'm the CAM bt she's the WHORE!!..
Oh sori AUNTY hor!!..
Seriously, my BABE was the BESTEST FREN i've ever had!!..
So OrgComm, i ask her to took the pic of him..
Then later at nite, meet Hafiz..
It was a last min meeting..
We r craving 4 Long John Silver...tats y..
After we ate LJS at Causeway Pt, i suggested to go Vivo...
Best!!..WE do play alot of video games..
After playing, we r heading aimlessly to nowhere..
Like nuting ah in S'pore...
So, i came out an idea to go to tis specific place...

Entrance to the place...
Its better to go wif a transport..

Find tis sign n tats the place...
Seriously, tis is a nice place...
I shall nt state the place coz i wan tis place to maintain its popularity...
The place was very very ROMANTIC...
Oh gosh!!..
I felt like i own tat place coz the place is so NICE n BIG bt NO ONE!!...
So, both of us were so HAPPY till we walked reali quite a distance..
I reali had FUN ystday nite!!..
Hoping tis guy will be FINE!!..
I'm reali reali reali sori 4 nt blogging...
I've been very very very busy all tis while...
Skooling,projects, assignments, quizzes, test, speech, hanging out wif frens, taking care of my Tigger, visiting ppl in hospital, going back to my Teban house n last bt nt least tinking of HIM...
I'm refering to Super4 guy..
His name is Hafiz...
Jz one word to describe him...
N he's NICE too..
Very very caring...
Bt, i jz felt smthg is NT rite...
I dunno y actuali...
I tink i'm jz scared of Army Boys...
Bt the last 2 days, it was my first time hanging out if him at my nearby blk...
First time i looked him..
He's so HOT!!..n his bike too...
So we talk till late nite..haha..poor ting..
Then ystday...
Skool was as USUAL..
Very very very FUN n LIVELY...
Vicky make me jealous abt his new HP!!..
So, me n Babe did some camwhore!!..
Actuali i'm the CAM bt she's the WHORE!!..
Oh sori AUNTY hor!!..
Seriously, my BABE was the BESTEST FREN i've ever had!!..
So OrgComm, i ask her to took the pic of him..
Then later at nite, meet Hafiz..
It was a last min meeting..
We r craving 4 Long John Silver...tats y..
After we ate LJS at Causeway Pt, i suggested to go Vivo...
Best!!..WE do play alot of video games..
After playing, we r heading aimlessly to nowhere..
Like nuting ah in S'pore...
So, i came out an idea to go to tis specific place...

Entrance to the place...
Its better to go wif a transport..

Find tis sign n tats the place...
I shall nt state the place coz i wan tis place to maintain its popularity...
The place was very very ROMANTIC...
Oh gosh!!..
I felt like i own tat place coz the place is so NICE n BIG bt NO ONE!!...
So, both of us were so HAPPY till we walked reali quite a distance..
I reali had FUN ystday nite!!..
Hoping tis guy will be FINE!!..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Say 'NO' to Homecoming...
No no homecoming!!..
Nv went to homecoming 2day..
Start wif the day at 800..
Wake up so early jz to reach dwntwn McCafe on time..
N guess wt??..
I reached early!!..
I reached ard 1030 bt actuali hv to meet at 11...
Haha..Bt i gt sis lappy wif me tat time...
So...i was all the way online till Dayah came...
We hv FUN!!..coz its been like a long time we nv met...
Then she start doing her research n i study 4 my CKTCS...
I understand already lor..
I mean nt everyting i noe ah..memorizing formula nt yet..
Had MILK Caramel Frap..(Dayah order the wrong ting)
Then later at 3....
Zima came...
She say she very tired...
We then like waited till the time we hv to go to our skool...
While waiting, Yanah makes me FRUSTRATED!!..
Haiz...Y she always does tis to us??..
Then during tat time, we hv no mood to go 4 the Homecoming...
Zima wanted to go bt wen i tink back...
I had the feelings tat the reunion will be very very BORED!!...
So, Dayah planned to go Sheesha...
There we go...
I called another Azimah to come along...
To a surprise, she was at Bugis...
So fun!!...
Then later like 7+...
All of us went to Nasri!!..
Sheesha here we gooo.....
As we sheesha, we watch movie on my lappy(Meet The Spartans)..
Me n Dayah ordered Sish Kebab!!..
At 83o, Zima hv to go...
Hmm..Then, like sad ah..One member down..
Bt actuali her seat was reaplaced by someone who Dayah likes..
He very soft spoken seh...Tapi overall OK CN!!..
So there goes me, Dayah n her bf & Azimah n her bf..
I'm the single one there!!..
Bt i dun feel awkard actuali..
Bt i felt overjoyed!!..
I dunno y...
We spend like $38++..
Haha..It's more worth it then going to Homecoming..
Guess wt??
Jz nw i checked it out frm my fren abt the Homecoming..
She says IT WAS BORING...
Lucky seh!!..
Ok lah..
I wan to rest..
Nv went to homecoming 2day..
Start wif the day at 800..
Wake up so early jz to reach dwntwn McCafe on time..
N guess wt??..
I reached early!!..
I reached ard 1030 bt actuali hv to meet at 11...
Haha..Bt i gt sis lappy wif me tat time...
So...i was all the way online till Dayah came...
We hv FUN!!..coz its been like a long time we nv met...
Then she start doing her research n i study 4 my CKTCS...
I understand already lor..
I mean nt everyting i noe ah..memorizing formula nt yet..
Had MILK Caramel Frap..(Dayah order the wrong ting)
Then later at 3....
Zima came...
She say she very tired...
We then like waited till the time we hv to go to our skool...
While waiting, Yanah makes me FRUSTRATED!!..
Haiz...Y she always does tis to us??..
Then during tat time, we hv no mood to go 4 the Homecoming...
Zima wanted to go bt wen i tink back...
I had the feelings tat the reunion will be very very BORED!!...
So, Dayah planned to go Sheesha...
There we go...
I called another Azimah to come along...
To a surprise, she was at Bugis...
So fun!!...
Then later like 7+...
All of us went to Nasri!!..
Sheesha here we gooo.....
As we sheesha, we watch movie on my lappy(Meet The Spartans)..
Me n Dayah ordered Sish Kebab!!..
At 83o, Zima hv to go...
Hmm..Then, like sad ah..One member down..
Bt actuali her seat was reaplaced by someone who Dayah likes..
He very soft spoken seh...Tapi overall OK CN!!..
So there goes me, Dayah n her bf & Azimah n her bf..
I'm the single one there!!..
Bt i dun feel awkard actuali..
Bt i felt overjoyed!!..
I dunno y...
We spend like $38++..
Haha..It's more worth it then going to Homecoming..
Guess wt??
Jz nw i checked it out frm my fren abt the Homecoming..
She says IT WAS BORING...
Lucky seh!!..
Ok lah..
I wan to rest..
Friday, November 14, 2008
Public Speaking is LOVED...
2day, i'm a alot cheerful...
U noe y???...
Coz my public speaking teacher had jz commented a VERY GD remarks on my speech..
Miss Linda:Your content was strong..I like your confidence..You are much more better than last week..This is an example of an A marks 4 speech..
ME:(jz smile all the way)..Heee!!...
So fun rite??..
So, nxt wk will be my IMPROMPTU SPEECH TEST!!!..
Argh!!..I'm so nervous nw!!...
I still can't get hang to my Japanese btw..
Tis wed will be my listening test...
Oh ya..I'm in Teban nw...
I tot of nt onlining 2day like the last 2 days...
Smthg n someone reali makes me wanna go online...
Oh my..Oh my...
I get to noe tis guy lah seh...
I dun wn to talk much abt him...
All i cn say is.....
Heee!!..can't wait...
Haiz..wt a life...
Ok then..need to rest 4 tmrw's event..
*vespa still be remembered......
2day, i'm a alot cheerful...
U noe y???...
Coz my public speaking teacher had jz commented a VERY GD remarks on my speech..
Miss Linda:Your content was strong..I like your confidence..You are much more better than last week..This is an example of an A marks 4 speech..
ME:(jz smile all the way)..Heee!!...
So fun rite??..
So, nxt wk will be my IMPROMPTU SPEECH TEST!!!..
Argh!!..I'm so nervous nw!!...
I still can't get hang to my Japanese btw..
Tis wed will be my listening test...
Oh ya..I'm in Teban nw...
I tot of nt onlining 2day like the last 2 days...
Smthg n someone reali makes me wanna go online...
Oh my..Oh my...
I get to noe tis guy lah seh...
I dun wn to talk much abt him...
All i cn say is.....
Heee!!..can't wait...
Haiz..wt a life...
Ok then..need to rest 4 tmrw's event..
*vespa still be remembered......
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tis is too much...hahaha..
Sori 4 nt blogging 4 the last few days...
Got alot of tings to do n i'm reali exhausted nw...
Starting to feel the heat of stressness n wt cn i say.....
GD LUCK to me!!...
Tings happening on me nw....
I started to hate ppl who disturb me wif 'tat' guy...
Paiseh lor...
Stop it seh!!..
Esp FEROZ!!!...His mouth ah....I could imagine tat i hv a reali BIG stapler wif me n i cn STAPLER his mouth!!..
If he do it silently, i'm ok wif it....
He did it OBVIOUSLY seh....So, like i tink he noe already lor..
I tink lah..
Bt rite...Jz nw wen he's doing his presentation, SO CUTE!!!...
Bt wen my turn to present, i can't stop laughing...
Nt trying to STEP cute bt jz trying to focus on wt i hv to say....
So,wen its coming to an end for MTNProj class...
"The grp" of ppl came to my class...
N ya..ok cn...
Finally, i gt the Counter Strike game!!..
Yeah!!..(starting to play)
Thnx HARITH!!..
Bt end up there's a corrupt during the installation..
Wen back to skool 4 lec...
Guess wt??...
Azhfar(sori to say ur name in my blog) went into my lecture...
One word to say....KEPO!!!..
Then, CKTCS lab..
Waited 4 the lift like 20 mins..
Then get disturb again abt 'tat' guy..
Too much lor...
Must be someone who spread tis ting lah!!!...
Ok lah...
Tats all..
I dun wn to say much..
I'm tired!!..
*cheers to sleepyhead!!...Heeee!!...
Got alot of tings to do n i'm reali exhausted nw...
Starting to feel the heat of stressness n wt cn i say.....
GD LUCK to me!!...
Tings happening on me nw....
I started to hate ppl who disturb me wif 'tat' guy...
Paiseh lor...
Stop it seh!!..
Esp FEROZ!!!...His mouth ah....I could imagine tat i hv a reali BIG stapler wif me n i cn STAPLER his mouth!!..
If he do it silently, i'm ok wif it....
He did it OBVIOUSLY seh....So, like i tink he noe already lor..
I tink lah..
Bt rite...Jz nw wen he's doing his presentation, SO CUTE!!!...
Bt wen my turn to present, i can't stop laughing...
Nt trying to STEP cute bt jz trying to focus on wt i hv to say....
So,wen its coming to an end for MTNProj class...
"The grp" of ppl came to my class...
N ya..ok cn...
Finally, i gt the Counter Strike game!!..
Yeah!!..(starting to play)
Thnx HARITH!!..
Bt end up there's a corrupt during the installation..
Wen back to skool 4 lec...
Guess wt??...
Azhfar(sori to say ur name in my blog) went into my lecture...
One word to say....KEPO!!!..
Then, CKTCS lab..
Waited 4 the lift like 20 mins..
Then get disturb again abt 'tat' guy..
Too much lor...
Must be someone who spread tis ting lah!!!...
Ok lah...
Tats all..
I dun wn to say much..
I'm tired!!..
*cheers to sleepyhead!!...Heeee!!...
Monday, November 10, 2008
A day without HP!!..
2day..NO PHONE!!!..
So, NO REGRETS at all...
LIfe much more better without a phone..
I wear SKIRT 2day!!!..
I've nv wear a long skirt to skool...
So, give it a try bebeh!!..
Yup..My cuzzie said "You look ASTONISHING!!"..
Then i say, "Reali meh??..I'll asked my frens first wen i reach skool"...
Then wen i reached skool.....
Wah..Every single CUTE guys were looking at me...I feel awkward lah seh..
Bt tis doesn't happen 2day je..bt the rest of the day too...
Its like the rest of the day lesser on the CUTE guys...
I also dunno wt's wrong wif me these days...
I tend to dress up more often..
I tink bcoz i'm single lor...
This are the advantages of me being single...
Abt the skirt rite...
Thnx eh to everybody 4 the COMMENTS!!...
Cuiwen-Kueh Lapis
Stephanie, Azimah-Foods
Me myself-Mop
Bt i hv a great time 2day...
Guess wt??..
He laughed at my jokes 2day...
So cute lor...
Actuali i nv heard him laugh lah bt i heard tat he laughed frm Zima...
Haha..Then teacher also mistaken my name n his name..
Wt a fate!!..
After skool, lazy to go public speaking lec so...
Went out wif Zima!!..
We went to CP...
Shop abit...
The perfume tat someone like is BACK AGAIN!!!..
Adidas Fruity Rhythm..My fav.....
Then, Cup walker!!...
PUDDING MILK TEA+Chocolate Waffle=HEAVEN!!!..
As per normal, we went to usual place...
It's been a looong time i've nv went there...
I reali had fun chatting wif Zima..
She's a very gd listener...
Nice talking to her...
Then ard 8+, went back home...
Checked my HP...
Wah alot of miss calls n msg..
I only reply one...
Ok lah..
Tmrw go bugis!!..Yeah!!..
No skool wt...
2day..NO PHONE!!!..
So, NO REGRETS at all...
LIfe much more better without a phone..
I wear SKIRT 2day!!!..
I've nv wear a long skirt to skool...
So, give it a try bebeh!!..
Yup..My cuzzie said "You look ASTONISHING!!"..
Then i say, "Reali meh??..I'll asked my frens first wen i reach skool"...
Then wen i reached skool.....
Wah..Every single CUTE guys were looking at me...I feel awkward lah seh..
Bt tis doesn't happen 2day je..bt the rest of the day too...
Its like the rest of the day lesser on the CUTE guys...
I also dunno wt's wrong wif me these days...
I tend to dress up more often..
I tink bcoz i'm single lor...
This are the advantages of me being single...
Abt the skirt rite...
Thnx eh to everybody 4 the COMMENTS!!...
Cuiwen-Kueh Lapis
Stephanie, Azimah-Foods
Me myself-Mop
Bt i hv a great time 2day...
Guess wt??..
He laughed at my jokes 2day...
So cute lor...
Actuali i nv heard him laugh lah bt i heard tat he laughed frm Zima...
Haha..Then teacher also mistaken my name n his name..
Wt a fate!!..
After skool, lazy to go public speaking lec so...
Went out wif Zima!!..
We went to CP...
Shop abit...
The perfume tat someone like is BACK AGAIN!!!..
Adidas Fruity Rhythm..My fav.....
Then, Cup walker!!...
PUDDING MILK TEA+Chocolate Waffle=HEAVEN!!!..
As per normal, we went to usual place...
It's been a looong time i've nv went there...
I reali had fun chatting wif Zima..
She's a very gd listener...
Nice talking to her...
Then ard 8+, went back home...
Checked my HP...
Wah alot of miss calls n msg..
I only reply one...
Ok lah..
Tmrw go bugis!!..Yeah!!..
No skool wt...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I am TIRED!!!
Guess wt time i slept ystday??
Wake up wt time??..
Damn tired lor...
Then in the afternoon..
Watched Kangaroo Jack n waiting 4 some stuff to be installed..
End up nv even finish up the installation..
Tis installation is a NEW ting!!..
Wait n See guys!!..
In a couple of days, NEW stuff coming up...
Oh ya, tat afternoon also someone has made me very very very FRUSTRATED!!..
She tink she so RAINBOW ah!!..
Wah!!..Be more sensible towards ur grp member lah...
I may nt be a GD leader bt at least do smthg as tis may help u in tis subject..
I cursed her too much 2day seh..
After get so frustrated, take a nap 4 awhile..
Like half an hr only..
Daddy asked us to go Science Centre..
Wah seh...Very LAZY!!!...
All thnx to my bro...
Went there...
Alot of exhibits going on...
Like the military vehicles...

It's DAMN reali BIG lor..

My FUTURE Cadillac..

U see the one who is wearing black shirt??..
Tats SUHAIMI YUSOF!!..Haha..
After tat sent daddy to work then took bus go Woodland...
Take bus 168 lor..
Bt i nv go home..My sis n bro did..
Coz i need to finish up some assignments wif Cuiwen lor...
Met her at Starbucks..
At 8..(on time ok!!)
Guess wt time i slept ystday??
Wake up wt time??..
Damn tired lor...
Then in the afternoon..
Watched Kangaroo Jack n waiting 4 some stuff to be installed..
End up nv even finish up the installation..
Tis installation is a NEW ting!!..
Wait n See guys!!..
In a couple of days, NEW stuff coming up...
Oh ya, tat afternoon also someone has made me very very very FRUSTRATED!!..
She tink she so RAINBOW ah!!..
Wah!!..Be more sensible towards ur grp member lah...
I may nt be a GD leader bt at least do smthg as tis may help u in tis subject..
I cursed her too much 2day seh..
After get so frustrated, take a nap 4 awhile..
Like half an hr only..
Daddy asked us to go Science Centre..
Wah seh...Very LAZY!!!...
All thnx to my bro...
Went there...
Alot of exhibits going on...
Like the military vehicles...

It's DAMN reali BIG lor..

My FUTURE Cadillac..

U see the one who is wearing black shirt??..
Tats SUHAIMI YUSOF!!..Haha..
After tat sent daddy to work then took bus go Woodland...
Take bus 168 lor..
Bt i nv go home..My sis n bro did..
Coz i need to finish up some assignments wif Cuiwen lor...
Met her at Starbucks..
At 8..(on time ok!!)
I'm abit moody one of these days...
I'm moody so dun wn to write much..
Went to Teban 2day...
Daddy brought us to Jurong Point instead of Habourfront...
Me n Eton had...

Chicken Chop!!..

Zaki n Daddy had Fish N Chip...
I'm moody so dun wn to write much..
Went to Teban 2day...
Daddy brought us to Jurong Point instead of Habourfront...
Me n Eton had...

Chicken Chop!!..

Zaki n Daddy had Fish N Chip...
U noe y daddy brought us here??..
It's bcoz his 'fren' loves to Fish N Chip there..
Oh..wtever Daddy!!..
Then went looking ard for printer..
N yup..
It's bcoz his 'fren' loves to Fish N Chip there..
Oh..wtever Daddy!!..
Then went looking ard for printer..
N yup..
Lexmark!!..Our NEW printer!!..
Friday, November 7, 2008
Greenview Secondary School Reunion
Tis is wt i've been tinking of....
Greenview reunion...
Which is on 15 Nov '08..
At 545..Greenview Secondary School..
Ticket price selling at $20..
Wanna noe more??..Visit tis website...
Oh gosh!!..
I miss my sec sch frens...
I guess they hv grown up nw..
Wakaka(bt i didn't see tat in zima)....
Nw, who should i bring??..
I invite Yanah already...
Seriously, i miss them..
I love secondary school life more than poly life...
There's a BIG difference wen comes to FRIENDS...
I could still remember tat i've become a teacher 4 a day in skool...
It happened during Malay class...
We are done with our work then my Malay teacher who is Mdm Sharifah says tat we cn do wtever we want...
So, i start taking out the newspaper tat was given out tat Monday morning..
N guess wt i did??..
I did the SUDOKU game in the IN section..
Mdm Sharifah saw it...
Mdm Sharifah: Awak buat ape tu?
Wt r u doing?
Me: Buat sudoku lah..
Doing sudoku
Mdm Sharifah: Oh..saya baru teringat yg nnt saya ade competition with other teachers..jadi saya tk tau mcmane nk main game ni..awk blh ajar cikgu?
Oh..i jz remebered tat i'm hving tis competition wif other teachers bt i do nt noe hw to play tis game..cn u teach me?
Me: (winking eyes) BOLEH!!
N there's where i start teaching to a teacher on Sudoku game...
Guess wt??..
At tis point of time i was reali annoyed by her wen she repeated the same mistakes...
The mistakes are very2 obvious...
U noe wt i did??..
Hahaha...Evil rite??..
I say "Cn u plz pay attentive while i was teaching??...Dun daydream cn??"...
Tat was a reali memorable ting i could remember..
Mdm Sharifah was one of the teacher i treasured most n she was proud of me wen she get to noe by herself tat i gt an 'A' for Malay 'O' levels...
Ok lah..maybe update tonite or tmrw!!..
Greenview reunion...
Which is on 15 Nov '08..
At 545..Greenview Secondary School..
Ticket price selling at $20..
Wanna noe more??..Visit tis website...
Oh gosh!!..
I miss my sec sch frens...
I guess they hv grown up nw..
Wakaka(bt i didn't see tat in zima)....
Nw, who should i bring??..
I invite Yanah already...
Seriously, i miss them..
I love secondary school life more than poly life...
There's a BIG difference wen comes to FRIENDS...
I could still remember tat i've become a teacher 4 a day in skool...
It happened during Malay class...
We are done with our work then my Malay teacher who is Mdm Sharifah says tat we cn do wtever we want...
So, i start taking out the newspaper tat was given out tat Monday morning..
N guess wt i did??..
I did the SUDOKU game in the IN section..
Mdm Sharifah saw it...
Mdm Sharifah: Awak buat ape tu?
Wt r u doing?
Me: Buat sudoku lah..
Doing sudoku
Mdm Sharifah: Oh..saya baru teringat yg nnt saya ade competition with other teachers..jadi saya tk tau mcmane nk main game ni..awk blh ajar cikgu?
Oh..i jz remebered tat i'm hving tis competition wif other teachers bt i do nt noe hw to play tis game..cn u teach me?
Me: (winking eyes) BOLEH!!
N there's where i start teaching to a teacher on Sudoku game...
Guess wt??..
At tis point of time i was reali annoyed by her wen she repeated the same mistakes...
The mistakes are very2 obvious...
U noe wt i did??..
Hahaha...Evil rite??..
I say "Cn u plz pay attentive while i was teaching??...Dun daydream cn??"...
Tat was a reali memorable ting i could remember..
Mdm Sharifah was one of the teacher i treasured most n she was proud of me wen she get to noe by herself tat i gt an 'A' for Malay 'O' levels...
Ok lah..maybe update tonite or tmrw!!..
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
High School Musical 3 AGAIN!!!...LOVE IT!!!
Guess wt ladies n gentlemen??...
N I've nv been bored watching it...
The story is jz so NICE!!!...
I LOVE IT!!...
Okk..Let me tell frm the beginning of the day...
2day, 8am class..
Yawn!!..Sleepy!!..Dunno wt the hell i'm doing 4 NetFund Lab..
Let me tell tis..(i'm trying NT to be racist here ok)
It's abt my NetFund grp members...
Hmm..First, its fine for me to be the only GERL in the grp...
Second, everyone was nt sure of wt they r doing n...
The last ting, tis three guys was a either an Indian OR mixed-blood Indian..
Haiz...Am i fated??..
After class tot of hving breakfast at TM wif classmates then my stomach haven't YELL yet...
So, decided to go HOME!!..
At home do nuting too bt i actuali slept 4 a while...
Woke up at 115 n get ready 4 Japanese Class...
N again BORING..
I dunno y each time i step into the class i'll cursed wt the teacher hv said in Jap...
During class received a call frm Zima(unfortunately, i nv turn ON my silent mode)...
There goes(Shake, shake, shake, shake and shake it)...-my ringtone sounds like..
Paiseh lor...
N guess wt??..
Zima was asking me abt CKTCS Lab qn while i was in the middle on Jap class..
Haha..Oh it's OK Zima..4given..
So, i was asking her where she goes after skool...
U noe wt she replied??...
"I gonna catch a movie-High School Musical 3 at 445"...
Hahaha...No hesitation...
I'm JOINING!!!...
OMG!!..I'm sooooo addicted to HSM3!!...
After class, ran after them...
So fun to be wif them..ALWAYS LAUGH!!..
Them refers to Zima n Sharon btw...
We catch the movie at E-hub...
My first time watching there tho...
Wt an another day of HAPPINESS!!!..
After the movie, Zima wanted the HSM3 songs frm my lappy so we head to WhiteSands...
Luckily i brought my lappy along..

Get a HSM3 mug FREE!!..Yipee!!

I gonna LOVE IT!!..It's MINE, GRANNY!!..

Sharon n her Cousin(i 4get his name)..Hee!!

Zima like APE JE...Hehe..

Zima like candid pic so i took pic of her wen her tongue sticking out!!..Wahaha..

I jz polished my screen 2day..Hee!!..Looks like brand NEW!!..

Then ard 8+ we decided to go home...
I took 89 wif Zima...
N we took the 5th bus of 89 if i'm nt wrong..
Haha..We talking2 mah..
So, like abit early to finish off my talking..
Had fun talking wif Zima...
Bt like abit tired lah..Wakaka..
4 Zima's sake...I dun mind...
N plz Zima, dun too much ah abt tmrw...
Only u n me noe abt tat person...Hee!!..
Butterfly in the stomach lah, speechless lah..
Haha..Jz let it be a secret...
Hee!!..Had FUN 2day!!..
Ok lah tmrw 8am class again...
Guess wt ladies n gentlemen??...
N I've nv been bored watching it...
The story is jz so NICE!!!...
I LOVE IT!!...
Okk..Let me tell frm the beginning of the day...
2day, 8am class..
Yawn!!..Sleepy!!..Dunno wt the hell i'm doing 4 NetFund Lab..
Let me tell tis..(i'm trying NT to be racist here ok)
It's abt my NetFund grp members...
Hmm..First, its fine for me to be the only GERL in the grp...
Second, everyone was nt sure of wt they r doing n...
The last ting, tis three guys was a either an Indian OR mixed-blood Indian..
Haiz...Am i fated??..
After class tot of hving breakfast at TM wif classmates then my stomach haven't YELL yet...
So, decided to go HOME!!..
At home do nuting too bt i actuali slept 4 a while...
Woke up at 115 n get ready 4 Japanese Class...
N again BORING..
I dunno y each time i step into the class i'll cursed wt the teacher hv said in Jap...
During class received a call frm Zima(unfortunately, i nv turn ON my silent mode)...
There goes(Shake, shake, shake, shake and shake it)...-my ringtone sounds like..
Paiseh lor...
N guess wt??..
Zima was asking me abt CKTCS Lab qn while i was in the middle on Jap class..
Haha..Oh it's OK Zima..4given..
So, i was asking her where she goes after skool...
U noe wt she replied??...
"I gonna catch a movie-High School Musical 3 at 445"...
Hahaha...No hesitation...
I'm JOINING!!!...
OMG!!..I'm sooooo addicted to HSM3!!...
After class, ran after them...
So fun to be wif them..ALWAYS LAUGH!!..
Them refers to Zima n Sharon btw...
We catch the movie at E-hub...
My first time watching there tho...
Wt an another day of HAPPINESS!!!..
After the movie, Zima wanted the HSM3 songs frm my lappy so we head to WhiteSands...
Luckily i brought my lappy along..

Get a HSM3 mug FREE!!..Yipee!!

I gonna LOVE IT!!..It's MINE, GRANNY!!..

Sharon n her Cousin(i 4get his name)..Hee!!

Zima like APE JE...Hehe..

Zima like candid pic so i took pic of her wen her tongue sticking out!!..Wahaha..

I jz polished my screen 2day..Hee!!..Looks like brand NEW!!..

I took 89 wif Zima...
N we took the 5th bus of 89 if i'm nt wrong..
Haha..We talking2 mah..
So, like abit early to finish off my talking..
Had fun talking wif Zima...
Bt like abit tired lah..Wakaka..
4 Zima's sake...I dun mind...
N plz Zima, dun too much ah abt tmrw...
Only u n me noe abt tat person...Hee!!..
Butterfly in the stomach lah, speechless lah..
Haha..Jz let it be a secret...
Hee!!..Had FUN 2day!!..
Ok lah tmrw 8am class again...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
My Dickies!!!!
Aik..dun tink differently...
Nt my 'dickies'...Bt my Dickies Bag!!!...
Let me tell u wt i did 2day first alrite..
As per usual, 2day is OFF day!!..
N guess wt time i wake up??..
Wah..shiok seh!!!...
I gt the chance to dream alot of stuff which is fun & very stupid too...
So, 2day was TINKING DAY!!..
Me & Cuiwen plan to go skool's library n finish up our NetFund Module...
So, i finished first while waiting 4 tat aunty to come back to skool..
So far i nv get low marks 4 all of the 'quiz'...
Wen Cuiwen was back....
I was BORED!!..
Cuiwen was bored doing the NetFund tingy too...
So, we played FRETS ON FIRE!!!...
Guess wt??..
I LOST!!!..
Decided to watch some clips on youtube...
N yeah...
I've download alot of stuff...
Cuiwen still continue playing her FOF...
She's so enthusiastis wif it!!..
Wanna see??..

U see her AUNTY face!!..

She so damn serious lor..wakaka..

Our table is in a MESS lor!!..
Tis is jz some clips of my BOREDOM...
After finishing our NetFund, met Azimah...
She seems to be quite stress...
Azimah, dun stress2 lah..I've told u nt to give up rite??..U must be STRONG!!...U want to quit skool??..Tink again lah..Pizza Hut won't let u go anywhere bebeh!!...So, wt 4 quit skool??..Waste time rite??..Later, u'll be very very BORED!!...Remember zima..."Biar kite susah skrg, kite akan senang di kemudian hari"..Tawakal je..
Then TERmeet Zul too...
ENDED!!..Full Stop!!..
I dun owe ppl anyting...
After tat ard 830...
Off frm library..
Wen reached at the bus stop, i felt smthg wet at my pants...
Check it out...(i was NT peeing)
It was my Dickies Bag who is peeing...
Haiz..i nv close my water bottle properly...
Wah seh...some more the bottle contains Orang Juice...
All my papers r wet wif tat liquid..
So, reached home...
Wash my Dickies ASAP...
Once again, i'm wearing backpack tmrw...
Ok lah..
Can't wait to meet _Z_A_!!!
Guess who lor!!..
Nt my 'dickies'...Bt my Dickies Bag!!!...
Let me tell u wt i did 2day first alrite..
As per usual, 2day is OFF day!!..
N guess wt time i wake up??..
Wah..shiok seh!!!...
I gt the chance to dream alot of stuff which is fun & very stupid too...
So, 2day was TINKING DAY!!..
Me & Cuiwen plan to go skool's library n finish up our NetFund Module...
So, i finished first while waiting 4 tat aunty to come back to skool..
So far i nv get low marks 4 all of the 'quiz'...
Wen Cuiwen was back....
I was BORED!!..
Cuiwen was bored doing the NetFund tingy too...
So, we played FRETS ON FIRE!!!...
Guess wt??..
I LOST!!!..
Decided to watch some clips on youtube...
N yeah...
I've download alot of stuff...
Cuiwen still continue playing her FOF...
She's so enthusiastis wif it!!..
Wanna see??..

U see her AUNTY face!!..

She so damn serious lor..wakaka..

Our table is in a MESS lor!!..
Tis is jz some clips of my BOREDOM...
After finishing our NetFund, met Azimah...
She seems to be quite stress...
Azimah, dun stress2 lah..I've told u nt to give up rite??..U must be STRONG!!...U want to quit skool??..Tink again lah..Pizza Hut won't let u go anywhere bebeh!!...So, wt 4 quit skool??..Waste time rite??..Later, u'll be very very BORED!!...Remember zima..."Biar kite susah skrg, kite akan senang di kemudian hari"..Tawakal je..
Then TERmeet Zul too...
ENDED!!..Full Stop!!..
I dun owe ppl anyting...
After tat ard 830...
Off frm library..
Wen reached at the bus stop, i felt smthg wet at my pants...
Check it out...(i was NT peeing)
It was my Dickies Bag who is peeing...
Haiz..i nv close my water bottle properly...
Wah seh...some more the bottle contains Orang Juice...
All my papers r wet wif tat liquid..
So, reached home...
Wash my Dickies ASAP...
Once again, i'm wearing backpack tmrw...
Ok lah..
Can't wait to meet _Z_A_!!!
Guess who lor!!..
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Jz survey survey survey...
I've been wasting my time surveying thru all the scooters tat i possibly tinking of...
Let me start wif the one i wanted most...
I've been wasting my time surveying thru all the scooters tat i possibly tinking of...
Let me start wif the one i wanted most...

Engine Type: Single-Cylinder
Cylinders: 1
Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
Cooling: Liquid
Valve Configuration: OHV
Starter: Electric / Kick
Fuel Requirements: Regular
Fuel Type: Gas
Transmission Type: Continuously Variable (CVT)
Primary Drive (Rear Wheel): Belt
Wheels & Tires:
Front Tire (Full Spec): 80/90 R10
Rear Tire (Full Spec): 80/90 R10
Front Brake Type: Drum
Rear Brake Type: Drum
Technical Specifications:
Wheelbase (in/mm): 45.3 / 1150.6
Fuel Capacity (gal/l) : 1.6 / 6.1m
Engine Type: Single-Cylinder
Cylinders: 1
Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke
Cooling: Liquid
Valve Configuration: OHV
Starter: Electric / Kick
Fuel Requirements: Regular
Fuel Type: Gas
Transmission Type: Continuously Variable (CVT)
Primary Drive (Rear Wheel): Belt
Wheels & Tires:
Front Tire (Full Spec): 80/90 R10
Rear Tire (Full Spec): 80/90 R10
Front Brake Type: Drum
Rear Brake Type: Drum
Technical Specifications:
Wheelbase (in/mm): 45.3 / 1150.6
Fuel Capacity (gal/l) : 1.6 / 6.1m
Then come to my back-up plan which is...
Vespa GTV 125

-Single-cylinder 4-stroke 4-valve with two-way catalytic converter and SAS
Cooling system:
-Electric with Automatic Start
-Front/Rear: 8.66" (220 mm) disc
-Front: Die-cast aluminium alloy, 12" /Tubeless 120/70-12'' Rear: Die-cast aluminium alloy, 12''/ Tubeless 130/70-12''
-CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)
-Single-cylinder 4-stroke 4-valve with two-way catalytic converter and SAS
Cooling system:
-Electric with Automatic Start
-Front/Rear: 8.66" (220 mm) disc
-Front: Die-cast aluminium alloy, 12" /Tubeless 120/70-12'' Rear: Die-cast aluminium alloy, 12''/ Tubeless 130/70-12''
-CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)
Lastly, the rare one...


Model:Sachs MadAss 125
Year: 2007
Category: Allround
Rating: 55.7 out of 100. Show full rating and compare with other bikes
Engine and transmission
Displacement: 124.00 ccm (7.57 cubic inches)
Engine type: Single cylinder
Stroke: 4
Fuel system: Carburettor
Valves per cylinder: 4
Fuel control: OHC
Starter: Electric & kick
Cooling system: Air
Gearbox: 4-speed
Transmission type
final drive: Chain
Physical measures
Dry weight: 100.0 kg (220.5 pounds)
Overall length: 1,815 mm (71.5 inches)
Overall width: 720 mm (28.3 inches)
Chassis and dimensions
Front tyre dimensions: 120/80-16
Rear tyre dimensions: 90/90-16
Front brakes: Single disc
Front brakes diameter: 260 mm (10.2 inches)
Rear brakes: Single disc
Rear brakes diameter: 215 mm (8.5 inches)
Speed and acceleration
Top speed: 90.0 km/h (55.9 mph)
Other specifications
Fuel capacity: 16.00 litres (4.23 gallons)
So, yup...
Tis was currently on my list nw...
I dunno which i hv to go..
My daddy is hinting me already..
Bt i tink i reali wanna take it slow..
I wanna set my own date target to get a license n hving a bike...
So, jz a survey will do then..
Dream on!!..
Can't wait for tmrw!!..
I wanna see *****...(its nt vulgar bt a name)
Year: 2007
Category: Allround
Rating: 55.7 out of 100. Show full rating and compare with other bikes
Engine and transmission
Displacement: 124.00 ccm (7.57 cubic inches)
Engine type: Single cylinder
Stroke: 4
Fuel system: Carburettor
Valves per cylinder: 4
Fuel control: OHC
Starter: Electric & kick
Cooling system: Air
Gearbox: 4-speed
Transmission type
final drive: Chain
Physical measures
Dry weight: 100.0 kg (220.5 pounds)
Overall length: 1,815 mm (71.5 inches)
Overall width: 720 mm (28.3 inches)
Chassis and dimensions
Front tyre dimensions: 120/80-16
Rear tyre dimensions: 90/90-16
Front brakes: Single disc
Front brakes diameter: 260 mm (10.2 inches)
Rear brakes: Single disc
Rear brakes diameter: 215 mm (8.5 inches)
Speed and acceleration
Top speed: 90.0 km/h (55.9 mph)
Other specifications
Fuel capacity: 16.00 litres (4.23 gallons)
So, yup...
Tis was currently on my list nw...
I dunno which i hv to go..
My daddy is hinting me already..
Bt i tink i reali wanna take it slow..
I wanna set my own date target to get a license n hving a bike...
So, jz a survey will do then..
Dream on!!..
Can't wait for tmrw!!..
I wanna see *****...(its nt vulgar bt a name)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pick tis survey on someone's blog..
I find it fun n ok lah..
Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name?
- Kinky!!..
Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?
- Becareful..dun let my granny sees u..
How many bedrooms are in your house?
- Which house??..tamp-3 n teban-2
I bet you're missing someone right now?
- I guess so..i dunno y i've been like tis one of tis days..
Do you hate the last guy you were talking to?
- No..i won't hate u daddy..
Who was your last text message from?
- Adik Shikin..
What's the best wedding you've been to?
- Hmm..can't recall..bt i could still remember my cousin's wedding..best!!..
What time did you wake up this morning?
- 12++..haha..late!!..
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
- Yes, sure...if u could tell me, i'll be honest to u too....
Did you mean it when you said "i love you" last?
- Yes, i do....I miss saying tis phrase..
Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single?
- Ahakz!..dunno..
What is wrong with you right now?
- I dunno..i jz felt like.......i'm ok dun wori..bt its jz there's smthg tat keeps bothering my mind...HELP ME!!..
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
- Yaya...Hee!!!..
Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad?
- Ahhhh??.....should i do tat??...*wink wink...
Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"?
- Hard to explain...most of them turned up to be enemies..doesn't occured to me only bt i guess the others too rite??..i do nt understand the definition of "just friends" for guys...
Do you tell your mom everything?
- ........
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- Tony tigger...
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
- Yaya..RVG...
Could you cry right now?
- For??...
What were you doing at 1 AM this morning?
- Hmm..looking thru Mario's songs...
If your ex is going to tell you I love you now,what will u say?
- Wait..cn u repeat tat again??...
How's your ex doing?
- Seriously, i dunno...bt i'm worried..
Who can you trust?
- Family, Bestfrens n Tony Tigger..
Who was the last person you kissed?
- Tony tigger..
What are your plans for the next weekend?
- Hving fun!!!..
How does your hair look like today?
- Crap!!..
I find it fun n ok lah..
Pick a word that begins with the first letter of your name?
- Kinky!!..
Your ex shows up randomly at your house, what do you say?
- Becareful..dun let my granny sees u..
How many bedrooms are in your house?
- Which house??..tamp-3 n teban-2
I bet you're missing someone right now?
- I guess so..i dunno y i've been like tis one of tis days..
Do you hate the last guy you were talking to?
- No..i won't hate u daddy..
Who was your last text message from?
- Adik Shikin..
What's the best wedding you've been to?
- Hmm..can't recall..bt i could still remember my cousin's wedding..best!!..
What time did you wake up this morning?
- 12++..haha..late!!..
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
- Yes, sure...if u could tell me, i'll be honest to u too....
Did you mean it when you said "i love you" last?
- Yes, i do....I miss saying tis phrase..
Is it okay if you kiss people when you're single?
- Ahakz!..dunno..
What is wrong with you right now?
- I dunno..i jz felt like.......i'm ok dun wori..bt its jz there's smthg tat keeps bothering my mind...HELP ME!!..
Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
- Yaya...Hee!!!..
Would you kiss someone to make your ex bf/gf mad?
- Ahhhh??.....should i do tat??...*wink wink...
Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"?
- Hard to explain...most of them turned up to be enemies..doesn't occured to me only bt i guess the others too rite??..i do nt understand the definition of "just friends" for guys...
Do you tell your mom everything?
- ........
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
- Tony tigger...
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
- Yaya..RVG...
Could you cry right now?
- For??...
What were you doing at 1 AM this morning?
- Hmm..looking thru Mario's songs...
If your ex is going to tell you I love you now,what will u say?
- Wait..cn u repeat tat again??...
How's your ex doing?
- Seriously, i dunno...bt i'm worried..
Who can you trust?
- Family, Bestfrens n Tony Tigger..
Who was the last person you kissed?
- Tony tigger..
What are your plans for the next weekend?
- Hving fun!!!..
How does your hair look like today?
- Crap!!..
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