Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wt am i feeling nw??...

2day started the day at 130..
Haha..the latest time tat i woke up..
Hmm..did nt sleep last nite coz there's some chatting n comments conversation going on..
So, haha..
Reali funny last nite..
Dun wn to elaborate more coz there's nuting to say..

Bt b4 i woke up...
I was awake by many calls n nessages in the morning...
Tuition lah, work lah, plans lah...
So many lah...
Haha..So end up i reply some of it only..
Sori guys..

At 2, prepare myself for tution...
Like usual, Dayana's first...
The funny part...

Dayana: Kak Fatin..Kak Fatin..Hw to do tis qn??..

Me: U see lah..I dun understand ppl nwdays..Abit only, want to ask qn..Cn u like give me some jokes or wt to make me entertain??..

Dayana: Haha..

Me: U laugh at me??..Hw dare u??..I merajuk lah like tis..I tell my daddy ah..Nw, even kids like to bully adults..Ape seh??..Kak Fatin disappointed tau..

Dayana: U crazy ah??..Haha..

Me: Ok..Wt's ur qn jz nw u wanna ask??..Let me see.......

Haha..nonsense rite KHALISAH???..
Aiyah..seriously, i'm reali bored tat time so i jz disturb her..
Wakaka..She's so cute..I tot she'll be angry or wt ah bt she still cn laugh..
Haha..Kids r still kids..

Then after tat..Shasha's house..
Saw tat Seow Hei outside the house..
I so-called talk to myself..."There he goes.."
He was smiling..n i smiled too..
I jz wish him n say bye..TATS ALL..

Tuition wif Shasha 2day reali fun..
We were talking abt minah tudung stuff..
Then, i was tinking abt minah tudung nwdays..
I'm jz nt ready yet..
Then, buka time!!...
Hv lots of fun wif her mom too..
I jz like wanna hv a mom like tat seh..
Haiz..Bt the sad ting rite, at my house, everyone jz can't stop saying "mak mertua kau"(mom-in-law)..
Haha..I admit also lah sometime if i'm talking abt her to my granny..I'll say tat phrase..Like cannot keep away frm tat phrase lah..
Haha..Sori Azhfar..Main2 je kn..
She always gave me alot of food..Alhamdullilah..Rezki..
I even treat his mom like my own mom seh..
Tried her Kueh tart 2day...

Then after tuition, Shasha ask mom's permission to watch"WUJUD" wif me..
She give green light seh..
Hehe..We watch lah..
Shasha was reali scared at first..
Bt then after i talked to her abt some changing of mindsets..
She brave seh...We even reverse n forward the ting..
Nt scarylah..Jz LAME...
Oh ya..Shasha is hving her PSLE on 3rd day of Hari Raya..
So, to make her motivate.. She did tis n i help her to paste on her small drawer..

Ok lah..i want to catch some movie here..

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