At Starbucks Tampines Mall...
Err currently wif Sal n Fat..
While waiting Lina finish her driving..
Errr..lame nye..
I'm sick AGAIN!!..
I dun even noe tat if u r sick, u'll get tires..
Actuali intend to study for nxt wk's quiz bt then err...
Tp students r still tp students..
Hmm..i'm kinda excited nwdays to online..
I'm waiting for tis particular person..
He's kinda errr..
NICE in a way..
I'll update more tho..
Tata then!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Hand injury..
Hey ppl....
I reali had enough abt my hand injury..
I reali had enough abt ppl asking the same ting abt my hand..
I reali had enough resting at home n trained my hand..
I reali had enough hving 2 houses which i hv to travel!!..
Penat ah...
I jz wan to stay in one house n full stop..
I'm on a mission..
Victims been fooled..
So far only 2 are down..
"Baby are you down down down down down"
(i love the song by Jay sean)
I feel like deleting my blog bt errr...
I'm still considering tho..
Hmm..many happenings nw..
Most r sad..
After someone's death...
Felt so sori bt i reali didn't noe the true story..
"Yg sudah tu sudah"...(reali hate using tis phrase)..
Going back Tampines later..
Daddy sending me..
I have a sickening sister who is jz so irritatingly annoyed..
Wait for one day wt she will get frm me..
I have misunderstood abt smthg..
I'm okay..
Ps, I'm a Prouggant..
I reali had enough abt my hand injury..
I reali had enough abt ppl asking the same ting abt my hand..
I reali had enough resting at home n trained my hand..
I reali had enough hving 2 houses which i hv to travel!!..
Penat ah...
I jz wan to stay in one house n full stop..
I'm on a mission..
Victims been fooled..
So far only 2 are down..
"Baby are you down down down down down"
(i love the song by Jay sean)
I feel like deleting my blog bt errr...
I'm still considering tho..
Hmm..many happenings nw..
Most r sad..
After someone's death...
Felt so sori bt i reali didn't noe the true story..
"Yg sudah tu sudah"...(reali hate using tis phrase)..
Going back Tampines later..
Daddy sending me..
I have a sickening sister who is jz so irritatingly annoyed..
Wait for one day wt she will get frm me..
I have misunderstood abt smthg..
I'm okay..
Ps, I'm a Prouggant..
Monday, October 5, 2009
It's been more tham a year...
I'm kinda sad nw..
Firstly, Vicky n Sharon is leaving Town..
They will be going to Laos for their OCP..
I'll pray for their safety n hope they enjoy their trip there..
Gonna miss so so so MUCH!!..
*To Vicky n Sharon,
If u happen to read this, jz to let u noe tat do enjoy urself within tat 10 days..Come back soon alrite!!..I dun expect any gifts if there's any difficulties bt if there is, HEHEHE!!..BUY LAH!!..haha..Going to miss u guys so much so as the Subway family..Sori can't send both of you..Do online some of the time alrite..Hehe..Hv fun guys!!..Muackz muackz, Spank spank!!..
The ting is...
I'm nt sad abt tis bt also this ting i hv kept mare than a yr in my heart..
I noe tis gonna be insane bt i must/should say it...
I reali miss someone whom i reali in love wif...
It's gd if u noe who it is...
I jz come to realize that i hv done so much stuff to forget abt him..
Till i went to Vietnam n it's still no use...
So, the conclusion is to wait till graduation..
I will reali actuali forget abt him..
I noe i must hv told my fren bad stuff abt him..
I admit it tat i'm wrong..
I'm sori..
Bt actuali Azhfar Shah was nt tat bad afterall..
He used to be my bestfren, brother, teacher n last bt nt least a wonderful lover..
There's smthg which i tink we r nt compatible wif so i tink after nw which has been a year plus..
I have realised that it is time for me to let him go...
If there's a fate, there will be a fate..
Time will decide everyting..
Nw, i'm jz so scared if my feelings for him getting more stronger each day..
As each day, every single ting i did will jz remind me of him..
I tink i hv already said wt i gonna confess so YUP!..
I ain't gonna cry no more..
Once u start to love,
you end with tears
I'm kinda sad nw..
Firstly, Vicky n Sharon is leaving Town..
They will be going to Laos for their OCP..
I'll pray for their safety n hope they enjoy their trip there..
Gonna miss so so so MUCH!!..
*To Vicky n Sharon,
If u happen to read this, jz to let u noe tat do enjoy urself within tat 10 days..Come back soon alrite!!..I dun expect any gifts if there's any difficulties bt if there is, HEHEHE!!..BUY LAH!!..haha..Going to miss u guys so much so as the Subway family..Sori can't send both of you..Do online some of the time alrite..Hehe..Hv fun guys!!..Muackz muackz, Spank spank!!..
The ting is...
I'm nt sad abt tis bt also this ting i hv kept mare than a yr in my heart..
I noe tis gonna be insane bt i must/should say it...
I reali miss someone whom i reali in love wif...
It's gd if u noe who it is...
I jz come to realize that i hv done so much stuff to forget abt him..
Till i went to Vietnam n it's still no use...
So, the conclusion is to wait till graduation..
I will reali actuali forget abt him..
I noe i must hv told my fren bad stuff abt him..
I admit it tat i'm wrong..
I'm sori..
Bt actuali Azhfar Shah was nt tat bad afterall..
He used to be my bestfren, brother, teacher n last bt nt least a wonderful lover..
There's smthg which i tink we r nt compatible wif so i tink after nw which has been a year plus..
I have realised that it is time for me to let him go...
If there's a fate, there will be a fate..
Time will decide everyting..
Nw, i'm jz so scared if my feelings for him getting more stronger each day..
As each day, every single ting i did will jz remind me of him..
I tink i hv already said wt i gonna confess so YUP!..
I ain't gonna cry no more..
Once u start to love,
you end with tears
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Hw to??..
Back wif blogging..
Sori for the temporary closure as i'm kida of bz wif some other stuff like work, proj, hari raya n alot lah..
So lately jz wanna share abt tis feeling of mine..
I always wanted to blog like how other bloggers did bt the only ting is i'm kinda of lazy after looking at my own blog..
Seems like my blog need a rennovation hor??..
Hmm..Ok lah..
I'll find a day to rennovate it after Daddy buy for me another Mobile Broadband for me..
Back wif blogging..
Sori for the temporary closure as i'm kida of bz wif some other stuff like work, proj, hari raya n alot lah..
So lately jz wanna share abt tis feeling of mine..
I always wanted to blog like how other bloggers did bt the only ting is i'm kinda of lazy after looking at my own blog..
Seems like my blog need a rennovation hor??..
Hmm..Ok lah..
I'll find a day to rennovate it after Daddy buy for me another Mobile Broadband for me..
Updates abt me??...
-I'm super tired
-Felt so relieved wen everyting went smoothly wif my family
-I'm sick of my project bt so damn worried
-My wrist is SUPER FUNNY..swollen actuali..haizzz...
-Confused to choose ipod nano or ipod touch..

-I'm super tired
-Felt so relieved wen everyting went smoothly wif my family
-I'm sick of my project bt so damn worried
-My wrist is SUPER FUNNY..swollen actuali..haizzz...
-Confused to choose ipod nano or ipod touch..

I'll try harder to post alot more nxt time k??..
Love u guys lots!!..
I'll try harder to post alot more nxt time k??..
Love u guys lots!!..
Monday, August 17, 2009
Halong Bay...
Halong Bay is a place where u cn relieve ur stress n enjoy sight-seeing...
Honestly, for me....
Halong Bay is just a place where there's a lot of hills..
The tour guide says tat there's 3000 hills..
Bt i'm nt tat reali sure abt tis..
So i jz tell the whole trip tat i did okies?..
715am-Went out of the house and funny thing is Cordelia brought a big plastic bag jz for her snacks..Haha..
745am-Reached at the travel agency..Steph n her parents reached earlier than us lor..hehe..we waited for the transport to Halong City..
820am-The bus finally came....the problem is that we get the most uncomfortable seats lor..haiz..bad service!!..3 hours journey to Halong City..
12noon-Reached halong City..Shockingly, there's alot of ang mohs rather than the locals...wah!!..wash eyes!!..hehehe..
1215pm-Took the small boat to our BIG boat..Surprisingly, we hv to enter the BIG boat thru a window...
1pm-LUNCH!!..We tot it was a buffet...We get cheated lor..always like tat..bt the lunch was nt bad actuali...
3pm-Reached i dunno wt cave n seriously it was my first time visiting a cave lor...hehe..bt abit scary and super duper tiring..
415pm-Took our small boat to go to the Kayaking side nearby..HEHEHE!!..SO FUN!!..i had no experience in kayaking n we nv even fall bt it's jz that me n shuyun had to go thru alot of crashing to a BIG boat, rocks, small boat n even the engine of a small boat!!..haha..
430pm-Watching the locals catching crab n squid..
445pm-Back to our boat..Continue to our nxt journey...Seriously, i dunno where we r heading to bt as i seated at the comfortable chair n relaxed...FUUUUhhh!!...all the problems tat i hv faced is reali a worthwhile..i dun regret going thru all of those challenges..
5pm-While tinking enjoying the scenery and the wind...I SLEPT!!!...haha..the feeling of sleeping on a cruise is the most relaxing ting ever in my life...Haaaaa!!...
545pm-Woke up..the thing tat i jz realised tat time was tat everywhere and anywhere is jz hills!!..haha..
7pm-Waited for dinner..While waiting we do talk cock alot..haha..luckily, steph parents is supportive..
725pm-DINNER TIME!!!..NICE DINNER bt still nt a buffet..
8pm-Went to the rooftop n continue talk cock n i took some video..hehe..damn funny!!..
9pm-FOOT MASSAGE TIME!!!..DAMN SUPER FCUKING SHIOK!!..so for the vulgar bt honestly, the best!!..
10pm-Karaoke time!!...At tis point of time, the captain was looking n smiling at me..then he said smthg..seriously, i dunno wt he said..Bt sShuyun n me admire him..hehe..
1030pm-Bath, talk cock wif cordelia n sleep nt long after tat...
2nd DAY...
7am-Enjoying the view frm my cabin window..Nice scenery!!..Take a shower n get ready for breakfast..
8am-BREAKFAST!!..I ate toasted bread wif butter, jam n egg...tis time round is a buffet..
10-12am-On our way back to Halong City...We waited quite loong for the small boat to take us back..
1230noon-Had our lunch n the deep fried squid is nice..Still no buffet..
230pm-Head back to Hanoi n tis time round the bus trip was okay..I GET BULLIED by Shuyun n Cordelia!!..hahaha
530-Reached Hang Bei Street and head to Nite Market..
6pm-While walking along the streets, we bumb to a S'porean family..hehe..They show us the way to an ONE & ONLY Halal Restaurant..Wah!!..I ate Nasi Bryani Chicken(Arab Style)..
8pm-Went Karaoke...Sing till i gt stomach ache..hehe
11pm-Reached home n sleep..
Great experince n alot of fun..
Halong Bay is a place where u cn relieve ur stress n enjoy sight-seeing...
Honestly, for me....
Halong Bay is just a place where there's a lot of hills..
The tour guide says tat there's 3000 hills..
Bt i'm nt tat reali sure abt tis..
So i jz tell the whole trip tat i did okies?..
715am-Went out of the house and funny thing is Cordelia brought a big plastic bag jz for her snacks..Haha..
745am-Reached at the travel agency..Steph n her parents reached earlier than us lor..hehe..we waited for the transport to Halong City..
820am-The bus finally came....the problem is that we get the most uncomfortable seats lor..haiz..bad service!!..3 hours journey to Halong City..
12noon-Reached halong City..Shockingly, there's alot of ang mohs rather than the locals...wah!!..wash eyes!!..hehehe..
1215pm-Took the small boat to our BIG boat..Surprisingly, we hv to enter the BIG boat thru a window...
1pm-LUNCH!!..We tot it was a buffet...We get cheated lor..always like tat..bt the lunch was nt bad actuali...
3pm-Reached i dunno wt cave n seriously it was my first time visiting a cave lor...hehe..bt abit scary and super duper tiring..
415pm-Took our small boat to go to the Kayaking side nearby..HEHEHE!!..SO FUN!!..i had no experience in kayaking n we nv even fall bt it's jz that me n shuyun had to go thru alot of crashing to a BIG boat, rocks, small boat n even the engine of a small boat!!..haha..
430pm-Watching the locals catching crab n squid..
445pm-Back to our boat..Continue to our nxt journey...Seriously, i dunno where we r heading to bt as i seated at the comfortable chair n relaxed...FUUUUhhh!!...all the problems tat i hv faced is reali a worthwhile..i dun regret going thru all of those challenges..
5pm-While tinking enjoying the scenery and the wind...I SLEPT!!!...haha..the feeling of sleeping on a cruise is the most relaxing ting ever in my life...Haaaaa!!...
545pm-Woke up..the thing tat i jz realised tat time was tat everywhere and anywhere is jz hills!!..haha..
7pm-Waited for dinner..While waiting we do talk cock alot..haha..luckily, steph parents is supportive..
725pm-DINNER TIME!!!..NICE DINNER bt still nt a buffet..
8pm-Went to the rooftop n continue talk cock n i took some video..hehe..damn funny!!..
9pm-FOOT MASSAGE TIME!!!..DAMN SUPER FCUKING SHIOK!!..so for the vulgar bt honestly, the best!!..
10pm-Karaoke time!!...At tis point of time, the captain was looking n smiling at me..then he said smthg..seriously, i dunno wt he said..Bt sShuyun n me admire him..hehe..
1030pm-Bath, talk cock wif cordelia n sleep nt long after tat...
2nd DAY...
7am-Enjoying the view frm my cabin window..Nice scenery!!..Take a shower n get ready for breakfast..
8am-BREAKFAST!!..I ate toasted bread wif butter, jam n egg...tis time round is a buffet..
10-12am-On our way back to Halong City...We waited quite loong for the small boat to take us back..
1230noon-Had our lunch n the deep fried squid is nice..Still no buffet..
230pm-Head back to Hanoi n tis time round the bus trip was okay..I GET BULLIED by Shuyun n Cordelia!!..hahaha
530-Reached Hang Bei Street and head to Nite Market..
6pm-While walking along the streets, we bumb to a S'porean family..hehe..They show us the way to an ONE & ONLY Halal Restaurant..Wah!!..I ate Nasi Bryani Chicken(Arab Style)..
8pm-Went Karaoke...Sing till i gt stomach ache..hehe
11pm-Reached home n sleep..
Great experince n alot of fun..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Before my trip to HALONG BAY!!
Ok tis is just a nt so loooong post as u expected..
I jz wanna inform that today n tmrw i'll be at...

This place was famous for its Junk boat to travel all around Halong Bay for 2 days 1 nite..
N the bonus thing for us is....
There are..
-Buffet for lunch, dinner & breakfast..
-Swimming(i dunno hw to swuim)
-Foot massage
-Air con bedrooms
& tis cost US$70
Hehe..I hope it'll be a fun trip...
I miss my dad badly..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Soon soon..
-I'll be posting abt some of the interesting tings in Vietnam..
-Singapore Birthday
-Fasting month
-Going to post quite a looong post here
-Shop till I DROP
Not Forgotten
Ps. I'll miss Vietnam..I'm begining to enjoy here bt i hate wen it comes to work..
-I'll be posting abt some of the interesting tings in Vietnam..
-Singapore Birthday
-Fasting month
-Going to post quite a looong post here
-Shop till I DROP
Not Forgotten
Ps. I'll miss Vietnam..I'm begining to enjoy here bt i hate wen it comes to work..
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